Innoget helps us to draw attention to our innovation challenges, attracting external parties to share their innovative solutions. We noticed that via innoget we are approached by different parties than the ones that contact us via our own FrieslandCampina Open Innovation portal.
Innoget is an important tool within our extended network. It helps us find new partners across many industries and offers low-risk access as we move in a protected environment, especially with regard to IP. We post briefings on Innoget because it’s easy to use, the low inhibition level for asking and answering questions, and its cost-efficiency. Since we established our own profile on Innoget, we have made many contacts in the scientific community and industry.
We have used Innoget to both post technical challenges as well as respond to technology calls for potential out-licensing our IP in non-competitive industries.
We have been using Innoget services for quite some time now and I can say it provides us with access to a valuable and mixed network of potential partners. Overall, the robust platform, good customer support, and reasonable price makes Innoget a reliable player for anyone working in open innovation.